

Filtrid ja tööriistad

Juta Laane ja Pavel Alonov

erinevad sihtkohad

Vestlusringis kohtuvad kaks pikaajalist projektijuhti ja rahvusvahelise koostöö arendajat, kes teevad oma tööd südame ja…

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Juta Laane and Pavel Alonov

different locations

Two long-term project leads and international cooperation promoters, who put their hearts and great enthusiasm…

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Margit Pruul

Italy 4 weeks

Margit Pruul, who is studying in Hiiumaa Vocational School to become a small-craft harbour specialist, proves that study mobility isn’t only for bachelor students in their 20s.

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Margit Pruul

Itaalia 4 nädalat

Hiiumaa Ametikoolis väikesadama spetsialistiks õppiv Margit Pruul tõestab, et õpiränne ei ole vaid kahekümnendates bakalaureuse taseme üliõpilastele.

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Philip Kaat

Eesti 9 kuud

Philip Kaat on käinud mitmes filmiteemalises noortevahetuses Saksamaal ja Türgis.

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Philip Kaat

Estonia 9 months

Philip Kaat has been to many film-themed youth exchanges in Germany and Turkey.

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Evelina Nõmme

Belgium semester

Evelina Nõmme decided to quit his job in her last year of Master’s studies to fulfil a promise she gave herself – to join a study mobility before graduating.

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Evelina Nõmme

Belgium semester

Evelina Nõmme decided to quit his job in her last year of Master’s studies to fulfil a promise she gave herself – to join a study mobility before graduating.

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